Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>A GIS dataset in a generalized Esri Feature Class form representing USA County polygons for high performance rendering. Attributes assigned to each county allow for visual comparison by thematic rendering. This data includes US Census Bureau, American Community Survey data related to US Military Veterans. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Categorical variables include demographic, time served (era), education, and income statistcs.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Service Item Id: c17c31ea695741b289819c59a6025efe
Copyright Text: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey
modelName: County, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 35, alias: County, type: esriFieldTypeString
modelName: Vets18OPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of the population that are veterans, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: GulfWar2VetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that served in the Gulf War period (09/01 or later), 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: GulfWar1VetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that served in the Gulf War period (08/90-08/01), 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: VietnamEraVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that served in the Vietnam Era, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: KoreanWarVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that served in the Korean War period, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: WW2VetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that served in the World War II period, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: MaleVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are male, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: FemaleVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are female, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: WhiteNonHispVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are White not Hispanic alone, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: BlackVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are Black or African American alone, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: HispanicVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are Hispanic or Latino, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: OtherRaceVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans that are of another race or two or more races, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: MedianVetsInc, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Median income (In 2021 dollars) of veterans with income in the past 12 months, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: MedianNonVetsInc, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Median income (In 2021 dollars) of nonveterans with income in the past 12 months, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: LessThanHSVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans 25 years and over with less than high school diploma, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: HighSchOnlyVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans 25 and over with a high school diploma or GED only, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: SomeCollegeVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans 25 and over with some college or Associate's degree, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: CollegeDegreeVetsPct, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans 25 and over with a Bachelor's degree or higher, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: LFPVetsRate, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Labor force participation rate for veterans age 18 to 64, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: UEVetsRate, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Unemployment rate for veterans age 18 to 64, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: PctVetsPoor, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans age 18 to 64 with income in the past 12 months at or below poverty level, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: PctNonVetsPoor, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of nonveterans age 18 to 64 with income in the past 12 months at or below poverty level, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: PctVetsDisabilty, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of veterans age 18 to 64 with a disability, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble
modelName: PctNonVetsDisabilty, nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, alias: Percent of nonveterans age 18 to 64 with a disability, 2017-21, type: esriFieldTypeDouble