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Legend (FEA/State_Food_Insecurity)

Household food insecurity (%, three-year average), 2012-14* (1)
< - 10 < - 10
10.1 - 13 10.1 - 13
13.1 - 16 13.1 - 16
> 16 > 16
Household food insecurity (%, three-year average), 2015-17* (2)
< - 10 < - 10
10.1 - 13 10.1 - 13
13.1 - 16 13.1 - 16
> 16 > 16
Household food insecurity (change %),2012-14 to 2015-17* (3)
< -3 < -3
-2.9 - -1 -2.9 - -1
-0.9 - 1 -0.9 - 1
> 1 > 1
Household very low food security (%, three-year average), 2012-14* (4)
< - 4 < - 4
4.1 - 5 4.1 - 5
5.1 - 6 5.1 - 6
> 6 > 6
Household very low food security (%, three-year average), 2015-17* (5)
< - 4 < - 4
4.1 - 5 4.1 - 5
5.1 - 6 5.1 - 6
> 6 > 6
Household very low food security (change %), 2012-14 to 2015-17* (6)
< -2 < -2
-1.9 - -0.5 -1.9 - -0.5
-0.4 - 0.5 -0.4 - 0.5
> 0.5 > 0.5