Description: {"definition": "The number of farms in the county that sell at least some products directly to final consumers. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Farms with direct sales, 2007", "units": "Count", "shortName": "DIRSALES_FARMS07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farms in the county that sell at least some products directly to final consumers. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Farms with direct sales, 2012", "units": "Count", "shortName": "DIRSALES_FARMS12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Name: Farms with direct sales (% change), 2007 - 12
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the number of farms in the county that sell at least some products directly to final consumers. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Farms with direct sales (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_DIRSALES_FARMS_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of farms in the county that sell at least some products directly to final consumers. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Farms with direct sales (%), 2007", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_LOCLFARM07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of farms in the county that sell at least some products directly to final consumers. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Farms with direct sales (%), 2012", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_LOCLFARM12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of the total value of farm sales in the county sold directly to final consumers in 2007 and 2012. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Direct farm sales (%), 2007", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_LOCLSALE07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of the total value of farm sales in the county sold directly to final consumers in 2007 and 2012. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Direct farm sales (%), 2012", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_LOCLSALE12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The total value of farm sales direct to consumers in thousands of dollars. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Direct farm sales, 2007", "units": "1,000 dollars", "shortName": "DIRSALES07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The total value of farm sales direct to consumers in thousands of dollars. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. ", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Direct farm sales, 2012", "units": "1,000 dollars", "shortName": "DIRSALES12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total value of farm sales direct to consumers in thousands of dollars. This includes sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc. It does not include sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Direct farm sales (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_DIRSALES_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The total value of farm sales direct to consumers (including sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc., but not sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams) divided by the number of residents of the county. ", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Direct farm sales per capita, 2007", "units": "Dollars", "shortName": "PC_DIRSALES07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The total value of farm sales direct to consumers (including sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc., but not sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams) divided by the number of residents of the county. ", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Direct farm sales per capita, 2012", "units": "Dollars", "shortName": "PC_DIRSALES12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Name: Direct farm sales per capita (% change), 2007 - 12
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": " The percent change in the total value of farm sales direct to consumers (including sales from roadside stands, farmers' markets, pick-your-own, door-to-door, etc., but not sales of craft items or processed products, such as jellies, sausages, and hams) divided by the number of residents of the county. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Direct farm sales per capita (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_PC_DIRSALES_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county. ", "availableYears": "2013", "name": "Farmers' markets, 2013", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT13", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers."}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers."}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the number of farmers' markets in the county. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2013/2018", "name": "Farmers' markets (% change), 2013-18", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_FMRKT_13_18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers."}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county per 1,000 county residents. ", "availableYears": "2013", "name": "Farmers' markets/1,000 pop, 2013", "units": "# per 1,000 pop", "shortName": "FMRKTPTH13", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county per 1,000 county residents. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets/1,000 pop, 2018", "units": "# per 1,000 pop", "shortName": "FMRKTPTH18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets/1,000 pop (% change), 2013-18
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the number of farmers' markets per 1,000 county residents. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2013/2018", "name": "Farmers' markets/1,000 pop (% change), 2013-18", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_FMRKTPTH_13_18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2013 and 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting SNAP, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that accept SNAP benefits. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting SNAP, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_SNAP18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting SNAP (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that accept SNAP benefits. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting SNAP (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_SNAP18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that accept WIC vouchers. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_WIC18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. WIC vouchers are for a specific amount of food (i.e., one loaf of whole wheat bread). A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that accept WIC vouchers. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_WIC18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. WIC vouchers are for a specific amount of food (i.e., one loaf of whole wheat bread). A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC Cash, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that accept WIC Cash Value vouchers. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC Cash, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_WICCASH18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. WIC Cash Value vouchers are for a specific dollar amount for fruits and vegetables. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC Cash (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that accept WIC Cash Value vouchers.", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting WIC Cash (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_WICCASH18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. WIC Cash Value vouchers are for a specific dollar amount for fruits and vegetables. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting SFMNP, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that accept Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) benefits.", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting SFMNP, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_SFMNP18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting SFMNP (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that accept Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) benefits. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting SFMNP (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_SFMNP18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting credit cards, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that accept credit cards. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting credit cards, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_CREDIT18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report accepting credit cards (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that accept credit cards. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report accepting credit cards (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_CREDIT18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling fruit & vegetables, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that sell fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, dry beans, grains, mushrooms, and/or wild harvested forest products. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling fruit & vegetables, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_FRVEG18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers."}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling fruit & vegetables (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that sell fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, dry beans, grains, mushrooms, and/or wild harvested forest products. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling fruit & vegetables (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_FRVEG18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling animal products, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that sell meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and/or cheese.", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling animal products, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_ANMLPROD18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling animal products (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that sell meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and/or cheese.", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling animal products (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_ANMLPROD18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling baked/prepared food products, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that sell baked goods and/or prepared foods. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling baked/prepared food products, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_BAKED18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that sell baked goods and/or prepared foods.", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling baked/prepared food products (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_BAKED18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers."}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling other food products, 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of farmers' markets in the county that sell other products, including honey, jams, maple syrup, wine, coffee, juices, and/or tofu. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling other food products, 2018", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FMRKT_OTHERFOOD18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Name: Farmers' markets that report selling other food products (%), 2018
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percentage of all farmers' markets in the county that sell other products, including honey, jams, maple syrup, wine, coffee, juices, and/or tofu. ", "availableYears": "2018", "name": "Farmers' markets that report selling other food products (%), 2018", "units": "Percent", "shortName": "PCT_FMRKT_OTHERFOOD18", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "County-level data for 2018 farmers' markets were compiled by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Services Division. A farmers' market is a retail outlet in which two or more vendors sell agricultural products directly to customers through a common marketing channel. At least 51 percent of retail sales are direct to consumers. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farms in the county with vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Vegetable farms, 2007", "units": "Count", "shortName": "VEG_FARMS07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farms in the county with vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Vegetable farms, 2012", "units": "Count", "shortName": "VEG_FARMS12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. "}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the number of farms in the county with vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Vegetable farms (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_VEG_FARMS_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture ."}
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale in the county.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested, 2007", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "VEG_ACRES07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale in the county.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested, 2012", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "VEG_ACRES12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale in the county. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_VEG_ACRES_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale per 1,000 county residents.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested/1,000 pop, 2007", "units": "Acres/1,000 pop", "shortName": "VEG_ACRESPTH07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale per 1,000 county residents.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested/1,000 pop, 2012", "units": "Acres/1,000 pop", "shortName": "VEG_ACRESPTH12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested/1,000 pop (% change), 2007 - 12
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for sale per 1,000 county residents. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested/1,000 pop (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_VEG_ACRESPTH_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Name: Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market, 2007
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The total number of farms with vegetables, potatoes, and melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing).", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market, 2007", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_FARMS07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Name: Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market, 2012
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The total number of farms with vegetables, potatoes, and melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing).", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market, 2012", "units": "Count", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_FARMS12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Name: Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market (% change), 2007 - 12
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of farms with vegetables, potatoes, and melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing). Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Farms with vegetables harvested for fresh market (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_FRESHVEG_FARMS_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market, 2007
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing).", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market, 2007", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_ACRES07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market, 2012
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing).", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market, 2012", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_ACRES12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing). Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_FRESHVEG_ACRES_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop, 2007
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing) per 1,000 county residents.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop, 2007", "units": "Acres/1,000 pop", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_ACRESPTH07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop, 2012
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing) per 1,000 county residents.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop, 2012", "units": "Acres/1,000 pop", "shortName": "FRESHVEG_ACRESPTH12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Name: Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop (% change), 2007 - 12
Display Field: FIPSTXT
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of acres of vegetables, potatoes, or melons harvested for fresh-market sale (as opposed to harvested for processing) per 1,000 county residents. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Vegetable acres harvested for fresh market/1,000 pop (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_FRESHVEG_ACRESPTH_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture. Population data are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates. "}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farms with land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards or nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Orchard farms, 2007", "units": "Count", "shortName": "ORCHARD_FARMS07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The number of farms with land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards or nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Orchard farms, 2012", "units": "Count", "shortName": "ORCHARD_FARMS12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the number of farms with land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards or nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Orchard farms (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_ORCHARD_FARMS_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards and nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age.", "availableYears": "2007", "name": "Orchard acres, 2007", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "ORCHARD_ACRES07", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The total number of acres of land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards and nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age.", "availableYears": "2012", "name": "Orchard acres, 2012", "units": "Acres", "shortName": "ORCHARD_ACRES12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}
Description: {"definition": "The percent change in the total number of acres of land in fruit trees, citrus or other groves, vineyards and nut trees, including trees and groves of nonbearing age. Percent change indicators are calculated as [((Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1) x 100]. ", "availableYears": "2007/2012", "name": "Orchard acres (% change), 2007 - 12", "units": "% change", "shortName": "PCH_ORCHARD_ACRES_07_12", "geographicLevel": "County", "dataSources": "2007 Census of Agriculture and 2012 Census of Agriculture."}