Number of Farms: 2012 (1)
| Less than 250 |
| 250 - 499 |
| 500 - 749 |
| 750 - 999 |
| 1,000 or more |
Change in Number of Farms: 2007 to 2012 (2)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Percent of Farms with Internet Access: 2012 (3)
| Less than 50 |
| 50 - 59 |
| 60 - 69 |
| 70 - 79 |
| 80 or more |
Average Size of Farms in Acres: 2012 (5)
| Less than 50 |
| 50 - 179 |
| 180 - 499 |
| 500 - 1,999 |
| 2,000 or more |
Change in Number of Farms with Less Than 9 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (6)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 10 to 49 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (7)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 50 to 179 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (8)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 180 to 499 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (9)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 500 to 999 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (10)
| Significant Increase |
| Slight Increase |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Decrease |
| Significant Decrease |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 1,000 to 1,999 Acres: 2007 to 2012 (11)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Change in Number of Farms with 2,000 Acres or More: 2007 to 2012 (12)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Acres of Land in Farms as Percent of Land Area in Acres: 2012 (14)
| Less than 10 |
| 10 - 29 |
| 30 - 49 |
| 50 - 69 |
| 70 - 89 |
| 90 or more |
Acres of Irrigated Land as Percent of Land in Farms Acreage: 2012 (15)
| Less than 1 |
| 1 - 4 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 24 |
| 25 - 39 |
| 40 or more |
Acres of Total Cropland as Percent of Land Area in Acres: 2012 (16)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 14 |
| 15 - 29 |
| 30 - 49 |
| 50 - 74 |
| 75 or more |
Acres of Total Cropland as Percent of Land in Farms Acreage: 2012 (17)
| Less than 10 |
| 10 - 19 |
| 20 - 39 |
| 40 - 59 |
| 60 - 79 |
| 80 or more |
Acres of Harvested Cropland as Percent of Land in Farms Acreage: 2012 (18)
| Less than 10 |
| 10 - 19 |
| 20 - 39 |
| 40 - 59 |
| 60 - 79 |
| 80 or more |
Acres of Irrigated Harvested Cropland as Percent of All Harvested Cropland Acreage: 2012 (19)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 19 |
| 20 - 39 |
| 40 - 59 |
| 60 - 89 |
| 90 or more |
Acres of All Types of Pastureland as Percent of Land in Farms Acreage: 2012 (20)
| Less than 15 |
| 15 - 29 |
| 30 - 49 |
| 50 - 69 |
| 70 - 89 |
| 90 or more |
Acres Enrolled in Crop Insurance Programs as Percent of Land in Farms Acres: 2012 (21)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 19 |
| 20 - 34 |
| 35 - 49 |
| 50 - 64 |
| 65 or more |
Land in Farms - Change in Acreage: 2007 to 2012 (22)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Irrigated Land - Change in Acreage: 2007 to 2012 (23)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Total Cropland - Change in Acreage: 2007 to 2012 (24)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Harvested Cropland - Change in Acreage: 2007 to 2012 (25)
| Significant Decrease |
| Slight Decrease |
| Negligible Change |
| Slight Increase |
| Significant Increase |
| Sparse Data |
Acres of Irrigated Pastureland, Rangeland, and Other Unharvested Land as Percent of Acres for All Types of Pastureland: 2012 (26)
| Less than 1 |
| 1 - 4 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 14 |
| 15 - 29 |
| 30 or more |
Acres Enrolled in the Conservation Reserve, Wetlands Reserve, Farmable Wetlands, or Conservation Reserve Enhancement Programs as Percent of Land in Farms Acreage: 2012 (27)
| Less than 1 |
| 1 - 2 |
| 3 - 5 |
| 6 - 8 |
| 9 - 11 |
| 12 or more |
Acres of Cropland Fertilized (Excluding Cropland Pastured) as Percent of All Cropland Acreage (Excluding Cropland Pastured): 2012 (29)
| Less than 20 |
| 20 - 34 |
| 35 - 49 |
| 50 - 64 |
| 65 - 74 |
| 75 or more |
Acres Treated with Commercial Fertilizer, Lime, and Soil Conditioners as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (30)
| Less than 40 |
| 40 - 49 |
| 50 - 59 |
| 60 - 69 |
| 70 - 79 |
| 80 or more |
Acres of Cropland and Pastureland Treated with Animal Manure as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (31)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 14 |
| 15 - 29 |
| 30 - 59 |
| 60 or more |
Acres Treated with Chemicals to Control Insects as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (32)
| Less than 10 |
| 10 - 19 |
| 20 - 29 |
| 30 - 39 |
| 40 - 59 |
| 60 or more |
Acres Treated with Chemicals to Control Nematodes as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (33)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 19 |
| 20 - 34 |
| 35 or more |
Acres of Crops Treated with Chemicals to Control Weeds, Grass, or Brush as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (34)
| Less than 30 |
| 30 - 49 |
| 50 - 64 |
| 65 - 74 |
| 75 - 89 |
| 90 or more |
Acres of Crops Treated with Chemicals to Control Growth, Thin Fruit, Ripen, or Defoliate as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (35)
| Less than 1 |
| 1 - 4 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 14 |
| 15 - 24 |
| 25 or more |
Acres Treated with Chemicals to Control Disease in Crops and Orchards as Percent of Total Cropland Acreage: 2012 (36)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 24 |
| 25 - 39 |
| 40 or more |
Percent of Farms Operated by Family or Individual: 2012 (38)
| Less than 75 |
| 75 - 84 |
| 85 - 89 |
| 90 - 94 |
| 95 or more |
Percent of Farms Operated by Partnership: 2012 (39)
| Less than 5 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 14 |
| 15 - 19 |
| 20 or more |
Percent of Farms Operated by Corporation: 2012 (40)
| Less than 2 |
| 2 - 4 |
| 5 - 9 |
| 10 - 14 |
| 15 - 19 |
| 20 or more |