{ "name": "ExportWebMapCustomInsets", "displayName": "Export Web Map Custom Insets", "description": "Takes the state of a web app (for example, included services, layer visibility settings, and client-side graphics) and returns a printable page layout or basic map of the specified area of interest.", "category": "", "helpUrl": "https://gisportal.ers.usda.gov/server/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/PrintServices/ExportWebMapCustomInsets_FEA_update_GPServer/PrintServices_ExportWebMapCustomInsets_FEA_update/ExportWebMapCustomInsets.htm", "executionType": "esriExecutionTypeSynchronous", "parameters": [ { "name": "Web_Map_as_JSON", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Web Map as JSON", "description": "web map as json", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "# ", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "Output_File", "dataType": "GPDataFile", "displayName": "Output File", "description": "Output file name", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionOutput", "defaultValue": null, "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "Format", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Format", "description": "Output format", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "PDF", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeOptional", "category": "", "choiceList": [ "PDF", "PNG32", "PNG8", "JPG", "GIF", "EPS", "SVG", "SVG2", "AIX", "TIFF" ] }, { "name": "Layout_Template", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Layout Template", "description": "test", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "US-level landscape with insets", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeOptional", "category": "", "choiceList": [ "Print area shown in landscape", "Print area shown in portrait", "US-level landscape with insets" ] } ] }